Download. "Soft! Lord Capulet is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's deaths because his insistence that Juliet marry Paris is what pushes her to take the sleeping potion. 12. Next: Romeo and Juliet, Act 4, Scene 3 Explanatory Notes for Act 4, Scene 2. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is Lord Capulet's reaction to Juliet's refusal to marry Paris? Disobedient samson and gregory, servants from the house of capulet, hate the montagues and are openly discussing it. Can you love the gentleman? 23. Go thou to Juliet, help to deck up her. Summary: Act 4, scene 1. Yes, for it might ease Tybalt's passing: Act 3 scene 4: Does Lord Capulet think Juliet will agree? In William Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet' there is the issue of a relationship between two very important characters in the play. 3.5: Lord Capulet expects that Juliet will be grateful that he has found her a handsome and eligible husband. _____ 2. twenty."Twenty cooks for half-a-dozen guests!Either Capulet has altered his mind strangely, or Shakespeare forgot what he had just made him tell us [iii. What "joyful news" does Lady Capulet bring Juliet? Romeo and Benvolio learned about the Capulet's ball was that Rosaline was going to be there. Lord Capulet, worried by his daughter's frantic grief over her cousin's death, decides that marriage might help her recover. Explain Paris's purpose in visiting Lord Capulet. C. Negotiating with the prince for Romeo's banishment. How does Romeo describe her? At first, he seems like a pretty good dad. D. Asking Paris to leave Verona and await further word. What does Romeo's reaction to Juliet suggest about his character? London: Macmillan. 10. Capulet says Juliet isn't old enough yet and he should wait. Correct Capulet refers to Juliet as a "child" and says she is "a stranger in the world" (line 8), meaning she is not experienced. Answered by jill d #170087 6 years ago 7/26/2015 7:03 PM. 2. Nay, more, I doubt it not. Soft, take me with you, take me with you, wife. Source(s) Romeo and Juliet .Reading the book the book at school right now. Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender. In all respects by me. Read Capulet's speech from Act IV, Scene 2, as he plans for the wedding: Tush, I will stir about, And all things shall be well, I warrant thee, wife. I wish the fool were dead and married to her grave! The first condition is that they must be married on Thursday because Wednesday is much too soon to celebrate considering Tybalt's recent death. Wiki User. Throughout the play these two characters relationship changes. My child is yet a stranger in the world. In response to Paris's urgent desire to marry as soon as possible, Capulet shows that he loves his daughter greatly, saying that she is too young and asking Paris to wait for two more years. B. because they have a strong dislike for eachother. Lord Capulet responds to the death of Tybalt by-. And so did I; well, we were born to die . Capulet then seems to soften his stance, telling Paris that he might be willing to approve of such a marriage only if Paris can win Juliet's heart. Lady Capulet questions Juliet regarding her feelings about marriage and then informs Juliet of Paris' proposal. She rejects the match, saying "I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear / It shall be Romeo—whom you know I hate— / Rather than Paris" (3.5.121-123). After the Nurse leaves and Juliet is alone, what does Juliet decide to do (lines 254-255)? Paris is shattered, and joins Capulet, Lady Capulet, and the nurse in loudly and dramatically lamenting Juliet's horrible death. Does Lady Capulet want Juliet to love Paris? Asked by Amanda L #488051 6 years ago 12/22/2015 10:20 AM. Capulet) is Juliet's daddy. The reasons why Lord Capulet is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is because, Lord Capulet was making plans for Juliet to marry Paris but she was already married to Romeo, But Lord Capulet thinks he knows what's best for his only daughter. How does Lord Capulet react to Paris wanting to marry Juliet? PLAY. Capulet suggests to Paris that he should try to impress Juliet at a masked ball that the Capulets are hosting that evening. What does the Nurse advise Juliet to do (lines 230-240)? We know this as she says Paris is a gorgeous book and Juliet will be the cover. Lord Capulet (a.k.a. What is she like? Download. What does Paris say in response? At first, he seems like a pretty good dad. D. Asking Paris to leave Verona and await further word. His wife holds him back. 1.2: When Paris asks for Juliet's hand in marriage, Lord . 3.5: Lord Capulet expects that Juliet will be grateful that he has found her a handsome and eligible husband. Sc. What is her reasoning? Lord Capulet response to Paris proposal to marry Juliet is to wait a couple more years when she is an adult because she is only thirteen. 11. Answered by faith k #770230 on 3/16/2018 1:47 AM B. 2, Lines 9-19. In reading his list he finds that Rosaline, his love, is going to attend the Capulet party. Death, now, is his son-in-law. What do Romeo and Benvolio decide to do after meeting with the page . What is the name of the woman Romeo loves? What are Capulet's conditions for allowing Paris to marry Juliet? Capulet. The second story is about when Juliet fell on her face and the nurse's husband told Juliet that she would be falling on her back when she got married. She rejects the match, saying "I will not marry . benvolio . Capulet doesn't want Paris to marry her at this time because Juliet is still young and was not yet fourteen which was the legal age to marry in those times. Essay, Pages 4 (916 words) Views. When Paris comes sniffing around for thirteen-year-old Juliet's hand in marriage, Capulet puts him off, citing Juliet's young age and even suggesting that he'd like his daughter to marry for "love" (1.2). Lord Capulet response to Paris proposal to marry Juliet is to wait a couple more years when she is an adult because she is only thirteen. Juliet's obvious response was no because she would rather be with Romeo. go to the ball and look at other women; and flirt with her. Her father calls her bad names .He also calls her that she is a spoiled little brat .Lady Capulet doesnt try to support Juliet and the Nurse is the only one in the Capulets household that knows that she is married to Tybalt. Lady Capulet tells Juliet about Capulet's plan for her to marry Paris on Thursday, explaining that he wishes to make her happy. PARIS My lord, I would that Thursday were tomorrow. Why does Lord Capulet appear somewhat reluctant to immediately give his consent? What scene does Juliet refuse to marry Paris? Paris asks for Juliet's hand inmarriage Count Paris, a wealthy gentleman, visits LordCapulet to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.Capulet is uncertain because his daughter, Juliet, is only ateenager and hath not seen the change of fourteen years (Act 1Scene 2). In response to Paris's request, Lord Capulet finally agrees that Paris go to the ball and try to conquer Juliet. Yes, sir, I told her. Juliet's love for Romeo Scene 4 19. Romeo, lamenting his unrequited love, is approached by the illiterate servingman. Capulet invites Paris to a feast to be held that night. In turn, Lord Capulet also does not want to reject the offer of Paris since he is aware that he would be the best suitor of his daughter and is even related to the prince of Verona. At the Capulet manor, Capulet laments to Paris that in the midst of all the chaos surrounding Tybalt 's death, there has been no time to "move" Juliet to happy thoughts of marrying Paris. What is Lord Capulet's response to Juliet's refusal to marry Paris? Count) Paris, Verona's #1 most Eligible Bachelor. C. Negotiating with the prince for Romeo's banishment. Question 2 of 2 What is Capulet's initial response to Paris' "suit"? O' Thursday be it, then. Before Paris leaves, Lord Capulet promises that Juliet will be married to him on two conditions. He asserts that her happiness is utmost in his mind. Lord Capulet stalls, telling him to wait until Juliet is older. Contrast Tybalt's and Lord Capulet's responses to Romeo's presence at the Capulet party. Capulet says something like "I'm getting too old for this whole family feud thing and so is Lord Montague—I'm sure we can work something out to keep the peace." (Get your highlighters out because this is pretty important. NURSE A man, young lady—lady, such a man As all the world—why, he's a man of wax. Count Paris visits Lord Capulet in Act I, Scene II, of Romeo and Juliet, to ask Lord Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage. After speaking briefly, Paris gets to the point of his visit to the Capulets. A. Plotting to personally murder Romeo. [1] So the marriage would increase their social status and increase Juliet's wealth. At the beginning of the play Capulet is seen to . by killing him; she will send a messenger to Mantua to kill him 21. When her mother mentions that Paris will attend the feast that evening, Juliet reacts with dutiful reserve, whereas her nurse, recalling incidents from Juliet's childhood, volunteers a bawdier response. What does he ask of Lord Capulet? Paris, who is a Count, has a higher rank than her and Lord Capulet and owns a wealthier estate. Regarding this, why does Lord Capulet want Juliet to marry Paris? 140 I would the fool were married to her grave! But she won't agree. Lord Capulet argues with Juliet. Lord Capulet responds to the death of Tybalt by-. Ay, sir, but she will none, she gives you thanks. Add Yours. He resorts to name-calling, cursing, and a threat of disowning Juliet as he yells in rage against her disobedience. When Paris comes sniffing around for thirteen-year-old Juliet's hand in marriage, Capulet puts him off, citing Juliet's young age and even suggesting that he'd like his daughter to marry for "love" (1.2). What can you infer about this setting and society from this response? How does Lady Capulet propose to avenge Tybalt's death? Paris, however, claims that even younger girls have already given birth ("Younger than she are happy mothers made"). Arranging the immediate marriage of Paris and Juliet. She wants to trick her family into thinking she's dead and run away with Romeo, but Romeo believes she is actually dead and kills himself. The second condition is that the […] Lady Capulet says that in order to help Juliet feel better, her father has "sorted out a sudden day of joy," and arranged for her to be married to Paris on Thursday morning. Arranging the immediate marriage of Paris and Juliet. Capulet) is Juliet's daddy. I think she will be ruled. Juliet asks what the news is. LADY CAPULET 85 What say you? What is Capulet's response to Paris's request to marry Juliet? Capulet then seems to soften his stance, telling Paris that he might be willing to approve of such a marriage only if Paris can win Juliet's heart. What is Lord Capulet's response to Juliet's refusal to marry Paris?23: He is irate. How does Lord Capulet react to Paris wanting to marry Juliet? NEXT. Summary and Analysis. Of my child's love. good night good night! Romeo and Benvolio learned about the Capulet's ball was that Rosaline was going to be there. CAPULET Well, get you gone. Paris assures Capulet and Lady Capulet that he understands. NURSE Nay, he's a flower, in faith, a very flower. Yes: Act 3 scene 4: What is the dramatic irony in this scene? (when Paris and the Capulet's are discussing Juliets marriage) Romeo and Juliet are sleeping together upstairs while Paris and the Capulet's are discussing Juliets marriage downstairs what is juliets famous parting line. In Act III Scene 4 he does comment on Tybalt's death by saying, "Look you, she [Juliet] loved her kinsman dearly. What is Capulet's response to . What are Capulet's conditions for allowing Paris to marry Juliet? Why does Lord Capulet appear somewhat reluctant to immediately give his consent? they see two montague servants, and discuss how best to start a fight without getting in trouble with the law, the flick their tongue or something and this starts a huge fight. While at first Lord Capulet says he will not approve Juliet's marriage to Paris without her consenting to it, when she refuses to marry Paris, Capulet becomes furious with her. They become ruined. Lady Capulet tells Juliet about Capulet's plan for her to marry Paris on Thursday, explaining that he wishes to make her happy. ∙ 2009-01-26 20:22:48. These two characters are Juliet the daughter and Lord Capulet her father. In conclusion, I feel that the audience would not be surprised by the behaviour of Lord Capulet in Act 3 Scene 5 because he is shown to be changeable in his moods. Capulet insists Juliet will listen to her . She says thank you but refuses. When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about getting married, Juliet replies: 'It is an honour that I dream not of.' There is a clear hint of sarcasm in Juliet's response. In Act Three, Scene 5, Lady Capulet . I'll not to bed tonight. Capulet suggests the proposal of marriage be delayed for two years so Juliet has more time before she becomes a bride. Lord Capulet To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death Analysis. K. Deighton. Most fathers would want to have their daughters get married at the age Juliet is currently at instead of waiting until they are sixteen Lady Capulet doesn't agree with the fact that Juliet is not going to marry Paris, but she thinks it's not an excuse to be so mad. Asked by Amanda L #488051 6 years ago 12/22/2015 10:20 AM. It was seen as an honour for Veronese women to be married, especially to someone of rank and title. Before Paris leaves, Lord Capulet promises that Juliet will be married to him on two conditions. Asked by DispatchedMonkey on 5/3/2016 10:36 PM Last updated by Aslan on 5/3/2016 10:38 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Juliet refuses to marry and her father threatens to disown her. Paris asks Lord Capulet if he can marry Juliet: What is Capulet's response? 1.2: When Paris asks for Juliet's hand in . Young Paris wants to marry Juliet. What two reasons does he give for not wanting Juliet to marry at this time (lines 8-14)? Summary and Analysis Act I: Scene 3 Summary. From Romeo and Juliet.Ed. At first, he seems like a pretty good dad. Capulet) is Juliet's daddy. Paris, a relative of the prince, asks Capulet for his daughter Juliet' s hand in marriage. Yes, Lady Capulet wants Juliet to love Paris. LADY CAPULET Verona's summer hath not such a flower. Acquaint her here of my son Paris' love, And bid her — mark you me — on Wednesday next —. ⌜ To Lady Capulet. Cite evidence that Juliet is getting increasingly suicidal. what is the friars reaction to romeo and juliet wanting to get married. What does Paris ask of Capulet? Get an answer for 'Describe Lord Capulet's reaction to Juliet's refusing to marry Paris in act 3, scene 5.' and find homework help for other Romeo and Juliet questions at eNotes What is Capulet's first answer? Modern Text. Shakespeare uses many techniques to present the relationship between Capulet and Juliet; the most common technique he uses is dramatic irony. Lord Capulet is initially reluctant to accept Paris's proposal that he marry Juliet because he feels his daughter is too young to marry. What arrangements does Lord Capulet make with Paris? 80 The valiant Paris seeks you for his love. In response to Paris's urgent desire to marry as soon as possible, Capulet shows that he loves his daughter greatly, saying that she is too young and asking Paris to wait for two more years. Lady Capulet tells Juliet that it's time to talk of nicer things—she has some good news for her daughter. At first Capulet says she is too young to wed but then changes his mind and consents if Juliet likes him at the party. Lord Capulet, worried by his daughter's frantic grief over her cousin's death, decides that marriage might help her recover. What does Lord Capulet tell Paris in response to his suit and why? 35 Prepare her, wife, against this wedding day.— Farewell, my lord.—Light to my chamber, ho!— Afore me, it is so very late that we 1. Juliet is appalled. 2, Lines 9-19. lord capulet to the people present in the room (lady cap, paris, nurse) what is the friar's response to juliet's "death" he tells the people present that juliet is in heaven, which is a better place where she'll be happier In his cell, Friar Lawrence speaks with Paris about the latter's impending marriage to Juliet.Paris says that Juliet's grief about Tybalt's death has made her unbalanced, and that Capulet, in his wisdom, has determined they should marry soon so that Juliet can stop crying and put an end to her period of mourning. When Paris comes sniffing around for thirteen-year-old Juliet's hand in marriage, Capulet puts him off, citing Juliet's young age and even suggesting that he'd like his daughter to marry for "love" (1.2). The second condition is that the […] Capulet is uncertain because his daughter, Juliet, is only a teenager and hath not seen the . Answers 1. . Wife, go you to her ere you go to bed. Lord Capulet (a.k.a. Act I: Scene 2. Lord Capulet, Juliet's father, is one of the most interesting characters in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet because he undergoes what seems to be a dramatic and unexpected change. What suggestion and invitation does Capulet make to Paris? Capulet is initially reluctant to give his consent because Juliet is so young. Sc. In this scene Lord Capulet talks to Paris about marrying his daughter Juliet. he is shocked at first. Act 1, Scene 2. Lord Capulet is obviously embarrassed and conflicted by Paris's request to marry Juliet. Instead of accepting their daughter's wishes, Lord Capulet yells, "Hang thee, young baggage! to marry Juliet on Thursday, 3 days later Scene 5 20. ⌝ Go you to Juliet ere you go to bed. As the friar, Paris, and a group of musicians enter Juliet 's chambers asking if Juliet is ready to head to church, Capulet tells them that "death [has] lain" with Juliet, deflowering her on her wedding day. 1.2: When Paris asks for Juliet's hand in . Lady Capulet promises Paris that, in the morning, she'll talk to Juliet about the marriage. What is Juliet's answer to the Friar in her effort to convince him that she will do anything to avoid the marriage with Paris (lines 76-88)?24 Capulet has nothing to say about it. not to because the moon is always changing. Capulet's first answer to Paris's question in act 1 is that Juliet is still young to marriage and it is better to wait till she is 14 years old. parting is such sweet sorrow, that is shall say good night till it be morrow. Explain Paris's purpose in visiting Lord Capulet. He decides that Juliet and Paris should be married later that week. A. Capulet tells Paris that Juliet is too young to marry. The father-child relationship between Lord Capulet and Juliet is a very strong one; during the beginning of the play Capulet is seen as a caring and protective father who wants what is best for his daughter. For example, the Capulet's first choice of marriage for Juliet was Paris due to him being a Capulet and therefore wouldn't cause controversy. Asked by DispatchedMonkey on 5/3/2016 10:36 PM Last updated by Aslan on 5/3/2016 10:38 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. At the end of the scene, the Prince reprimands Lord Capulet and orders him to come talk about ending the violence in the streets. He decides that Juliet and Paris should be married later that week. How is Lord Capulet's response to Paris's request different from most fathers during this time period? Let me alone. Lord Capulet (a.k.a. Finally, however, he agrees to the match if Paris can gain Juliet's consent. Count Paris, a wealthy gentleman, visits Lord Capulet to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage. The first condition is that they must be married on Thursday because Wednesday is much too soon to celebrate considering Tybalt's recent death. 3. What does their exchange suggest about the significance of the feud between the two families of Verona? A. Plotting to personally murder Romeo. Lady Capulet probably wanted the status and wealth. Meanwhile, Lord Capulet is hanging out with County (a.k.a. Juliet is appalled. 1.1: Lord Capulet runs out into the street and tries to join in the brawl between the servants of the Capulets and Montagues. In learning of Romeo's identity, she comments "My only She wants to trick her family into thinking she's dead and run away with Romeo, but Romeo believes she is actually dead and kills himself. 13. Lord Capulet is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's deaths because his insistence that Juliet marry Paris is what pushes her to take the sleeping potion. He calls her names and threatens to kick her out if she disobeys23 4. The scene starts with Lady Capulet telling Juliet that Lord Capulet has arranged her marriage to Paris in four days' time. Paris responds that girls younger than she have been married. Act 3 Scene 5 - Key Scene . On the one hand, Capulet could not ask for a more perfect suitor for his daughter's hand.
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