Women in the English Colonies, 1607-1715. The southern colonies' economy was based on agriculture (farming). Although religious was practiced in the Southern Colonies, many people were pious and devoted to religion. They each would have a colonial legislature, though the details for each one would vary. It is said that case should be read two times. The New England region included the colonies of Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The paper will specifically go into details surrounding the colonies religion, politics, and economics. They had several different cash crops that could be produced year round. At first, the south also relied on the forests and the water, but tobacco and cotton later emerged as cash crops. The Southern Colonies climate was known for its mild winters (25-45 F) and hot summers (84-99 F). New England Colonies Vs. Southern Colonies Abstract This paper explores and defines the similarities and differences between the New England colonies and Southern Colonies. -to be specific on the duties, treatment, population and economic need found in each region. The Southern Colonies of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia grew their own food along with growing three major cash crops: tobacco, rice, and indigo. Differences Between The Northern And Southern Colonies. The different environments and ideas led to many similar as well as many completely different . The last set of colonies is known as the middle colonies which differed greatly. The differing economies between New England colonies and the Southern colonies can be heavily linked to geography. The diversity of the United States goes back to its beginning as a collection of northern, middle, and southern colonies. The northern New England Colony was generally more of a democratically dense area with their government under heavy influence by the churches. Differences in climate, religious beliefs and ambitions influenced life in the colonies. The Essay on Northern And Southern Colonies In The 17th Century. The soil in the tideland area was the most fertile, as tidewater left minerals in the ground to enrich it. The Northern Colonies were mostly mountains with a colder climate and a thin layer of soil only for subsistence farming. The soil was fertile and allowed for the cultivation of rice, tobacco and indigo, which was exported from the region and contributed heavily to the economy. Although comparisons can be made between the life of slaves in the North and the South, there were differences, too. North American Colonies: Timeline (1600-1735) North VS South Colonies. The northern colonies had a big focus on religion, the southern colonies had plantations and farms as a huge source of food and money, and finally both the southern and northern colonies had many similarities, including the value of tobacco, the support of using slaves and indentured servants, and the treatment of women. Northern vs. Southern American Colonies 1700s. On the other hand, the Southern Colonies were not in fact . While Puritan zeal was fueling New England's mercantile development, and Penn's Quaker experiment was turning the middle colonies into America's bread basket, the South was turning to cash crops. In spite of the difficult conditions, many . This is so because the northern and southern colonies had different environments and also different reasons of settlement. In contrast to the northern and middle colonies, the southern and Chesapeake colonies, including Maryland, were predominantly rural settlements. Slavery in Northern Colonies VS Southern Colonies. 408 Words2 Pages. Jose'phene Cottrell US History Brad Schlieman 9/18/2020 By 1700 the development of the Northern and Southern Colonies differentiated dramatically. The colonists were still trying to discover all the new and exciting things in this new world, and still live under the king's rule. They were mainly inhabited by English-speaking people. The Southern Colonies included the first English colony of Virginia, and grew to include Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. This is a series of rubrics used by students to help plan and assess a project done about Colonial America. Northern Colonies- reason for settlement The Northern Colonies were settled mainly for reasons of religious and political freedom. The Southern Colonies were founded upon tobacco and the chance to strike rich. Dominated to a degree by a plantation economy: tobacco & rice B. Slavery in all colonies (even Georgia after 1750); mostly indentured The Southern colonies were very hot while New England was cooler; the hot weather made life in the south much harsher and the death expectancy was ten years shorter than that of New England. Northeastern colonies featured fewer plantations, and enslaved people often worked in domestic service or artisanal trades. The flat land was good for farming and so the landowners built very large farms called plantations. September 15, 2021 by Best Writer. The New England colonies were founded to escape religious persecution in England. Thus, the Northern colonies economy was based on manufacturing and trade. Northern Colonies Vs Southern Colonies. However, almost all of the colonies did not reach the intended purpose of their establishment. As the Southern colonies became more established, society reverted to the European model, and white women began focusing on running the household, and managing servants and those they had enslaved. In the beginning years of America, the colonies could be divided into three . Compare and Contrast of the Northern and Southern Colonies The 1700s was a time when everything was new, new country, unseen land, and more resources. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. The North was established for mainly religious freedom, while on the other hand, the . Christianity shaped their law, and in many instances they practiced innovative small-town democracy. Difference Between New England Colonies and Southern Colonies The New England and Southern colonies were the territories occupied by English pilgrims during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Small farming and manufacturing drove the economy. The rubrics included are: Men vs. Women Indentured Servants vs. Slaves Northern Colonies vs. Middle Colonies Middle Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Southern Colonies vs. Northern Colonies Each rubric provides specific directions for the project, students will create a venn diagram or . -to be specific on the duties, treatment, population and economic need found in each region. "Differences of the Southern Colonies" The Northern and Southern Colonies were settled around the same time by the same people and they had some similarities but many differences, They were settled by the English and therefore both were English Colonies. Those comparisons and contrasts can be discovered through three main aspects: political, social, and economical. New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies This is so because the northern and southern colonies had different environments and also different reasons of settlement. Northeastern colonies featured fewer plantations, and enslaved people often worked in domestic service or artisanal trades. The main cash crops the North produced was livestock, wheat, corn, fishing and lumbering.The middle colonies mainly produced the livestock, wheat, and corn. The Southern Colonies. 808 certified writers online. Northern vs. Southern American Colonies 1700s Essay. How was slavery different in the northern and southern colonies? The geography had rich fertile soil with broad coastal plains that made it possible for plantations to grow tobacco, rice, and indigo. In contrast, major plantation areas in southern colonies functioned as slave societies, where slavery stood at the center of politics, the economy, labor experiences, and social identities. Their differences in political, social, and economic issues shaped our country into what we are today. In the southern colonies of Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas, most of the white colonists were young poor people. Thomas Hagen: 2005. The middle and southern colonies were alike in the fact that their soil was rich enough to grow "cash crops." The Southern Colonies were founded upon tobacco and the chance to strike rich. Most worked on plantations. Colonies are vital in obtaining control both for economic expansion and for wealth. This was not true in every colony, however. These early pilgrims and pioneers came over from England and set up farms and communities in several areas on the east coast of North America. The planter often required enslaved people to work day and night. Map of DeSoto's 1539-43 exploration through the Southeast. The people in the northern colonies mainly came for religious freedom. By 1750 Great Britain had consolidated control of the slave trade, taking much of the transatlantic traffic away from the Spanish and Portugese. Each region had its own geography. Northern colonies were founded by pilgrims who wanted religious freedom, whereas southern colonies were founded to grant colonists opportunities for land ownership. Upon arrival, the Northern and Southern colonies, in a similar manner, suffered many challenges such as disease, starvation, and malnutrition. Northern colonies were governed largely by the Puritans. The North became a family centered industrial society whereas the South became a profit driven, agrarian society. The climate of the Northern colonies was mild with short summers. Compare the Northern and Southern Colonies in Social, Political, and Economic Structure The Southern colonies were a very diverse and unique type of settlement. Labor systems: The first labor system in the colony of Virginia was indentured servitude, in which servants worked for landowners in exchange for passage to America. U.S. Airpower Would Act As A Method Of "Strategic Persuasion," Deterring The North. Essays Related to Southern and Northern Colonies. However the New England area and the Southern regions were the most important. Colonies. Colonial America by the mid 1700's consisted of three major regions. Comparison and Contrast of the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies After the establishment of the thirteen British colonies were divided into three geographical areas, these areas include: the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. New Englanders valued hard work and individualism. In contrast, major plantation areas in southern colonies functioned as slave societies, where slavery stood at the center of politics, the economy, labor experiences, and social identities. The southern states . -also focus on each region beliefs and views about African-Americans and slavery; additionally . The Northern Colonies were founded upon the church and they sought out to practice the way they wanted to without the influence of the European Countries. England was the main customer of crops and goods exported by the . The Northern colonies had a very strong and efficient economic system. The colony had in place a theocracy that granted more freedom than the south, but the churches had been involved in governing the colonies. The number of people freed from bondage in New England grew, as the . The northern colonies were founded by people with a mindset grounded in religion, family and a strong work ethic whereas the southern colonies were founded by people with a mindset grounded in elitism. The cash crops produced in the southern colonies are rice, indigo, and tabacco. Massachusetts and Virginia Colonies Pages: 3 (615 words) Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay Pages: 2 (371 words) Economy of Massachusetts and Virginia in 1607-1750 Pages: 2 (412 words) Northern Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Pages: 5 (1401 words) Chesapeake Colonies vs. New England Colonies Pages: 4 (905 words) Slavery in Northern Colonies VS Southern Colonies. Slavery in Northern Colonies VS Southern Colonies. The New England colonies and the Southern colonies vary geographically because the New England colonies were located in the Northern region while the Southern colonies were located in the . These were grown on plantations typically the stolen labor of enslaved people and indentured servants. The Northern and Southern colonies in the seventeenth century had many differences and similarities in the way their region if the world was maintained and controlled. Agricultural vs. Commercial Tobacco: Maryland Virginia North Carolina Rice and Indigo: South Carolina and Georgia Southern Colonies -Germans settled in Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina -Scots and Scots-Irish settled along coast of North Carolina Northern Colonies -Germans, The growing of cash crops led to large commercial estates where workers live . The Southern Colonies were the warmest overall climates of the 13 colonies. Each and every one of these colonies had their own specific developments that were unique to the regions. The northern colonies have subsistence farming. In general, the conditions of slavery in the northern colonies, where slaves were engaged more in nonagricultural pursuits (such as mining, maritime, and domestic work), were less severe and harsh than in the southern colonies, where most were used on plantations. this is not the united states so specify the European influences. Southern colonies had some of the oldest legislative bodies in America. By contrast, life in the south revolved around a plantation economy, forced labor and exports of cash crops. STEP 2: Reading The Northern Colonies Vs Southern Colonies Harvard Case Study: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. Lord Baltimore would have preferred an exclusively Catholic colony. September 15, 2021 by Best Writer. The colonies were working hard to support England and . Cash crops are crops grown primarily to sell. By the 1700's, The northern and souther colonies had evolved into two distinct societies. Some of the products that the Northern colonies would trade were fish, whales and ships. Their differences in religion, politics, economics, and social issues, and the way they dealt with them, are what shaped our country into what we are today. Maryland quickly prospered because, like its neighbor, Virginia, its economy was based on tobacco. Those comparisons and contrasts can be discovered through three main aspects: political, social, and economical. The Northern colonies were largely Puritan Separatists and very religious. In this paper it is discussed that the Southern Colonies had lots of influences from Great Britain while the New . America has always been a land of diversity but also a land of unity. Each region offered settlers special choices and ways of life. Northern Colonies Vs Southern Colonies Essay. It is said that case should be read two times. The livestock they had was mainly cattle and hogs. this is not the united states so specify the European influences. In the Southern colonies, the soil was more suitable to agriculture. While Southern Colonies economy was based on agriculture. Large cargoes of slaves arrived in Northern ports for sale and distribution throughout the colonies. 986 Words4 Pages. In terms of similarities, the northern and southern colonies shared some basic structural and social institutions that were in place for much of British North America. They had their own views and life styles that were like nothing ever seen before. The northern states, particularly those that make up New England, were primarily religious communities. The Southern Colonies in the 17th and 18th Centuries I. By the 1700's, The northern and souther colonies had evolved into two distinct societies. The use of slavery throughout the colonies (particularly the southern ones) continued to grow throughout the 18 th century, but as the colonies moved closer to revolution against England, there was a growing trend of questioning slavery and its practices in New England. Northern Colonies Vs Southern Colonies Essay 685 Words | 3 Pages. The Northern and Southern colonies in the seventeenth century had many differences and similarities in the way their region if the world was maintained and controlled. Midterm Essay #1: Question #1: Northern, Middle, and Southern Colonies Compare and Contrast. We will write a custom Essay on New England, Southern and Middle Colonies' Comparison specifically for you. Introduction to the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonial Regions People came to each of the colonial regions for different reasons. The Northern colonies labor systems differed from the South because of the communications with the Native Americans. economies of the Northern and Southern Colonies. The northern colonies occupied places like New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island while the southern colonies occupied places like Virginia, Maryland, Carolina and North Carolina and Georgia. Since their soil was too thin, they were not able to grow any crops. Their differences in political, social, and economic issues shaped our country into what we are today. Northern colonies established self-rule and elective assemblies; southern colonies were ruled by governors appointed by the monarchy. Compare The Northern And Southern Colonies In Social, Political, And Economic Structure and other kinds of academic papers in our essays database at Many Essays. Northern colonies were founded by pilgrims who wanted religious freedom, whereas southern colonies were founded to grant colonists opportunities for land ownership. Chesapeake Colonies vs. New England Colonies Pages: 4 (905 words) Northern Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Pages: 5 (1401 words) History of New England and Chesapeake Colonies Pages: 5 (1248 words) Chesapeake and Southern Colonies Pages: 2 (309 words) Economy of the Southern colonies between 1607-1775 Pages: 2 (593 words) The northern and southern colonies differed in the level of public participation in government and in the religious, social and economic factors that influenced policy. What are the similarities between the southern and northern colonies? Southern Plantation Colonies -- general characteristics A. Jamestown was a swampy area. They also produced livestock. The North was established for mainly religious freedom . Based on this, the principal objective of this paper is to discuss the contrasting features of the three colonies by placing close focus on the geographic perspective of the colonies. Slavery was greatly impacted by its Dutch origins and in the 1640's slaves were given half freedom. The climate was mild and warm in the southern colonies, and this type of climate was suitable for growing several kinds of cash crops. Instead, they . How were the British colonies similar and different? The Southern Colonies were mostly plains with warmer climate and rich fertile soil suitable for cash crop farming. -also focus on each region beliefs and views about African-Americans and slavery; additionally . There were quite a number of similarities in Virginia was the first successful southern colony. During the 18th century, there were several interesting developments that took place in both southern and northern colonies. 1-888-302-2840 1-888-422-8036 Compare they established and made their economic bases almost the same colonies were established through some sort of business enterprise the 685 Words3 Pages. Not worrying about . In contrast with the New England, the Southern colonies have the very warm climate. Organize your notes so you are able to look horizontally to see similarities and differences between the 3 regions. Compare and Contrast the Northern,Middle,and Southern colonies Comparing and contrasting the Northern,Middle,and Southern colonies. Read More. While they both initially were just "investments", the Northern colonies lacked diversity and had difficult land to farm on, while the southern colonies were very rural, relied a lot of slave labor, and had an excellent climate for farming. The New England region included the colonies of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Initially these crops were harvested by indentured servants, but with the growth of plantations, planters started to import slaves from Africa. The scope and nature of slavery in the northern colonies, however, differed considerably from the institution in the southern colonies, the former generally being milder than the latter. Geography was a primary influence on the colonial way of life. Many of the colonists who came to the southern colonies were rich aristocrats or businessmen from England and they wanted to become even more wealthy from owning land. In the film "Economies of Early British Colonies", the expatriate period had begun because of the need of these influential . Major Differences Between the Colonies. Many large plantations were owned by wealthy planters. Colonies are considered important in earlier times due to many reasons. Northern Colonies Vs American Colonies. The Middle colonies, like Delaware, New York, and New Jersey, were founded as trade centers, while Pennsylvania was founded as a safe haven for Quakers. for only $16.05 $11/page. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. This statement also applied to the first English settlements that were established here in North America. The colonies were developed by the people's intentions as well as the environmental climate in which they landed. Middle colonies were ruled by British monarchy, with the exception of Pennsylvania. In the South, few slaves worked in cities. The Southern colonies have an economy based solely on cash crops. The history of the early English colonies in North America can be divided into two familiar stories. Your notes should be in your own words. Northern colonies have long, cold and snowy winters, however, less disease than the Southern colonies and Middle colonies. A Diverse Labor Force.Slaves and free blacks formed a vital part of the Northern workforce. STEP 2: Reading The Northern Colonies Vs Southern Colonies Harvard Case Study: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. The southern colonies were established early on after the settlement of Jamestown in 1607. The Northern and Southern colonies have radically differant economic systems.
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