Salvation: The Roman Catholic View and the Orthodox Protestant View. To paint with a broad brush, the Protestant answer is that we are justified by “faith alone.”. The Orthodox certainly believe in Justification by Faith, but also in works as the fruit and evidence of that Justification. And if you do, your name could very well be eliminated from the Church's diptychs! Do Orthodox Christians think Protestants are saved? We Orthodox believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and we believe that the Orthodox Church is it. It is a life lived in repentance and faith. Sin, to Orthodox Christians, is "missing the mark." We should also celebrate the memory of Iakovos, Archbishop of the Americas (1959 to 1996). The Hebrew Bible contains only the 39 protocanonical ‘Old Testament’ books. It operates as a communion of autocephalous congregations, each governed by its bishops and adherents in local synods. Thus, these excerpts are more for the Orthodox than for Protestants who may stumble across my site.] In a word, no. John Whiteford discusses the concept of assured … If we have allowed our hearts to be purified, then God’s presence will be healing, joyful, and life-giving. The Orthodox Church does not believe in purgatory (a place of purging), that is, the inter-mediate state after death in which the souls of the saved (those who have not received temporal punishment for their sins) are purified of all taint preparatory to entering into Heaven, where every soul is perfect and fit to see. In creation, humans were made in the image and likeness of God ( Gen. 1:26) according to human nature. In order to be saved one must live by the truth and love of God. The Orthodox believe that they have continued unbroken the churches founded by the apostles. While Orthodoxy does believe that ultimately to be saved means being in the Church and those outside the Church will not be saved, that issue is not fully decided until judgment day. Unitarianism also reject the Trinity. To start, you have to understand that the thing that leads a person to Hell, sin, is a lot different in Orthodoxy than it is in Protestantism and Catholicism. The Evangelical Christians and most Protestants believe you should do good works, as they are the fruit of salvation, but they do not save. There are many Protestants who are clearly on a spiritual journey towards Orthodoxy, the True Faith. Romans 10:9 seems pretty clear about it, “if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart… you will be saved.” It seems to me that confession and belief are a choice – not something forced upon us that we have no control over. The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church . The Orthodox see Salvation as a much broader concept; it includes what the Orthodox call "Theosis", which is the working out of holiness in the life of the believer. It is yet another oxymoron of theirs. Tell them that it is through Baptism that you were saved, just as the Bible says in 1 Ptr 3:20-21 and that it is through Baptism, water and the Spirit, that you are “born again,” just as the Bible says in John 3:5.You see, many Protestants believe that they are saved by making one single act of faith at one single point in time in their lives. Orthodox Christians do not view atonement in the same manner that Calvinists -- or other Protestants and Catholics -- do. What is the purpose of the many Protestant study Bibles, if all that is needed is the Bible itself? Catholicate of the East The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church was founded by St. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, who came to India in A.D. 52. In a word, no. Joseph Gleason. Most Protestants believe man is saved by faith alone. They both believe Jesus Christ is the ONE God, born in flesh, died on the cross and resurrected physically from the dead in order to save everyone who believes in Him. God honors truthful belief and proper faith anywhere it is found. When I, a “cradle Catholic,” am accosted by a “born again” Christian, and asked whether I am “saved,” my thoughts usually go to St. Paul’s frequent admonitions to work out your salvation in “fear and trembling.”. Answer with a resounding, “Yes!” Tell them that it is through Baptism that you were saved, just as the Bible says in 1 Ptr 3:20-21 and that it is through Baptism, water and the Spirit, that you are “born again,” just as the Bible says in John 3:5.You see, many Protestants believe that they are saved by making one single act of faith at one single point in time in their lives. Orthodox Christianity and Christianity in general believe in the Oneness of God yet in Three Persons but their goals are slightly different. Better for Orthodox people to simply read the Gospel of John, and Paul’s letters to the Galatians and Romans, for a clear understanding of how to be saved. JTLoganville said: noahzarc1 said: They believe in multiple baptisms, especially the Baptist’s and even Pentecostal groups. Christ is punished in our place. At a recent, post-liturgical coffee hour, a catechumen raised a question that has troubled many people who were brought up in a Protestant environment and at some point found themselves drawn to Orthodoxy. Do Orthodox believe Protestants are saved? Protestants as a rule believe that in order to go to heaven, a person has to “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior”, and the Eastern Orthodox church does not “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior” the same way that Protestants usually do, i.e. THE PROPER VIEW OF NON-ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS By Father Seraphim Rose I firmly believe that this is indeed what Orthodoxy teaches about our attitude towards non-Orthodox Christians: 1. Please Note: this list is not exhaustive and only begins to skim the surface of this topic. There are a lot of … ANCESTRAL SIN versus ORIGINAL SIN - THE ORTHODOX VIEW: ORIGINAL SIN: Like just about all Evangelical Christians and Protestants I believe unsaved mankind has a nature tending toward evil, and that this nature is a consequence of the fall of Adam and Eve in Eden. Why do Protestants not believe in Mary? It is an integral part of Arminian theology.. Synergism stands opposed to monergism (which rejects the idea that … The Clear Testimony Of Athanasius Toward The Apocrypha In A.D. 367, the great defender of orthodox belief, Athanasius bishop of Alexandria, wrote a letter. You may have wondered what the Orthodox Christian teaching of salvation is. Movements emerging around the time of the Protestant Reformation, but not a part of Protestantism, e.g. Do Orthodox believe Protestants are saved? Here, God the Father pours out his wrath on to God the Son who takes that wrath in our place. Why do Protestants not believe in Mary? Most Protestants subscribe to the Penal Substitution Theory of the atonement. Anyone who saved to save through the Orthodox Church. Like most Catholics and Protestants, Eastern Orthodox believe Jesus died as a sacrifice for humanity's sins and that without Jesus a person cannot be saved from sin and eternal hell. Now we do not have to be punished. They have 3 Saviours. The work and influence of Satan prevail among the unsaved and/or those who lack complete faith in … This has more to do with relationship, whereas protestants view God more as judge (which he is), our view of salvation focuses more on God as Father. If Jesus only began the work, then you are saying we have as much power as him regarding our salvation. But a Protestant is likely to have difficulty with daily repentance of one's sins, because they are told that if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are already saved. Dear brethren, we do not pretend to offer any answers to the problems raised in today's parable, involving two men, both of them coming down to the city of Jerusalem as righteous. Then why become Orthodox? This fundamental difference also leads to a different type of salvation. In Christian theology, synergism is the position of those who hold that salvation involves some form of cooperation between divine grace and human freedom. Indeed, according to Catholics and Orthodox, faith in God alone is not enough to be "saved" by Jesus Christ. Better for Orthodox people to simply read the Gospel of John, and Paul’s letters to the Galatians and Romans, for a clear understanding of how to be saved. Traditionally, Protestants believe salvation is a gift of God, granted by faith. “If we are saved by grace, and not by works,” he asked, “why does the Orthodox Church put so much … Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future is one of Father Seraphim Rose’s most popular works, apparently moreso in Russia than in the United States, where I read that it is offered for sale in subway stations (in America, good luck finding it in a physical bookstore). The fate of non-Catholics, as stated prior to Vatican II: Before Vatican II, the Church consistently taught that only Roman Catholics had a chance to be saved and attain Heaven. Synergism is upheld by the Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Churches, and Methodist Churches. Another major difference between Catholics and Protestants, is one that instigates schism, and refers to meritorious works. It's not just a list of rules and if you break one you've "sinned." In Orthodox teaching, the Holy Trinity is established, as well as the inseparable but distinguishable union of the two natures of Jesus Christ–one divine, the other human. The Orthodox view of salvation is based on 2 Peter 1:4 (see below) called “deification,” which refers to a process of becoming more like God. by saying a “sinner’s prayer”. For Orthodox, salvation is not a decision. Many people are happy to say that Muslims and Christians believe in different gods based on what they think about Jesus. Orthodox Versus Non-Orthodox Christianity. The fate of non-Catholics, as stated prior to Vatican II: Before Vatican II, the Church consistently taught that only Roman Catholics had a chance to be saved and attain Heaven. The Orthodox associate with the notion of exaltation by salvation, and they believe that salvation is a process through which a man's body and soul are exalted, and it occurs on the last day. It is also worth noting that none of the church fathers that quoted the Apocrypha as Scripture knew any Hebrew. As such, Orthodoxy does have a doctrine of justification, though it may not be explicitly referred to as such or emphasized as much as it is in certain Protestant communions. One expression of the Eastern teaching is that hell and heaven are dimensions of God's intensifying presence, as this presence is experienced either as … He participated in MLK'S March to Selma even though it engendered much controversy and even death threats. The reason Protestants cannot discern Purgatory in the Bible is because of their Soteriology. Some Conservative Protestants believe that only relatively few people will be saved. The Roman Catholic Church reveres Mary, the mother of Jesus, as “Queen of Heaven.” However, there are few biblical references to support the Catholic Marian dogmas — which include the Immaculate Conception, her perpetual virginity and her Assumption into heaven. ii) Salvation by your own works. The Orthodox do not believe that faith on the part of the person being baptized is necessary in order for these sacraments to be effective. 10 Protestants who have most influenced me; ... “They may not believe it, but they better believe that you believe it.” ... thou shalt be saved.” (Rom. Both Protestants and Catholics agree that one is justified-made righteous or put in right relationship with God-through grace. It is an ongoing process of growth and maturation. It is clear to both Protestants and Orthodox that good works are essential … AN ORTHODOX EXAMINATION OF THE PROTESTANT TEACHING ... i.e. That's generally it. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, with its headquarters located in the City of New York, is an Eparchy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America … They do not think infant baptism is valid and baptism is only valid after a “confession of faith.”. For Orthodox, salvation is not a decision. What is the Orthodox teaching on this passage? So, from their perspective, we Protestants are the product of a schism off a schism. Fr. I was such a one. Hard-hit by COVID, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox slow to get shots The group has some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country despite being pummeled by … In this post, we list some of the differences between the doctrine and theology of Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches.. Prodestants reject the idolatry of the Catholic and orthodox church. 9.) If Catholics are correct about the bread being Jesus, then what they are doing is appropriate; if they are wrong then it is idolatry. Protestants can be Arminian, Calvinist, Baptist, or something else. The Orthodox Church believes in “baptismal regeneration,” or the idea that a man is saved by being baptized, but the Scripture says we’re saved by grace through faith, not baptism. There is also a Bible known as the Greek Orthodox Study Bible that a lot of people use. I recommend this booklet for Evangelicals who want to learn more about Eastern Orthodoxy, but would not recommend it as a source for understanding salvation. Follow this answer to receive notifications. 1) They believe Jesus is a Semi Saviour who only helps you to be saved. 2 Peter tells us that the Lord is “not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance.” God freely grants us new birth and initiates us into the body of Christ in … In contrast, Protestants worship God by trusting Jesus and obeying him. This, of course, is not humility, but blatant tapinology. It is an ongoing process of growth and maturation. On the other hand, the Protestants consider Mary to be a holy woman, but they do not believe that she was a virgin. This comes from two beliefs. 11y. They actually believed pretty much everything the Orthodox believe except they were too strict on practical matters of faith. Those who do cite the Apocrypha as Scripture were few in number. Most modern Protestant churches reject the intercession of the dead for the living but are in favor of the intersession of the living for the living. Yet, they also firmly believe that there are many who will be saved, so neither can one say that any other group is "The Church." Then why become Orthodox? Orthodox Christians believe that we are saved from sin and its products corruption and death. Do Orthodox believe Protestants are saved? Yes, the believer is saved; but also "being saved." This is a verse that they claim as a basis for having complete assurance of their salvation. Answer. peterfarrington. Protestants often reference 1 John 5:13, These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. It's a name for a huge collection of groups, ranging in size from the millions to 1 person by himself. Do Catholics and Protestants believe in the same Trinity? It is right to question if a person is truly saved if they are not living it out, but the works have nothing to do with our salvation. Some Protestants believe that the Eastern Orthodox are not Christians and are, therefore, not saved. There is a clear distinction which has been made on this site between individuals and the groups they belong to. Protestants as a rule believe that in order to go to heaven, a person has to “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior”, and the Eastern Orthodox church does not “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior” the same way that Protestants usually do, i.e. Everyone who has this basic faith falls under the umbrella of Christianity. Jesus Christ's death on the cross is the single most important event in the history of mankind. According to the Orthodox Church, deification is our becoming more like God through His grace or divine energies. ORTHODOX SALVATION. In the first place it must be made clear that it is not enough for anyone merely to believe these things, or merely to be a formal member of the Church. Catholics and the Orthodox do not believe that God is present in the object, do not worship the objects, and do not pray TO them. Whether you decide to use this Bible or not is completely up to you. Mia: Indeed, you have touched upon something that is baffling to Protestants about the Orthodox teaching on salvation. Like x 1. The church has no central doctrinal or governmental authority analogous to the Head of the … Orthodox salvation is a lot more nuanced than other sects of Christianity. How Can Protestants Be Saved? Protestants who adhere to the Nicene Creed believe in three persons (God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit) as one God. Obviously Jews don’t call it the OT but the Tanakh, made up of Torah, the Law: Nevi’im, Prophets; and Ketuvim, Writings - the Wisdom books. Then why become Orthodox? - Evangelicals do not say two gospels save, but the Orthodox do not have the courage to stick properly to their emphatic statement "salvation is found only in Orthodoxy" they then tell everyone they don't want to judge as to whether other people are saved or not. Indeed, Orthodox theologians take great pains to clarify and emphasize that the effectiveness of the sacraments is entirely independent of any faith or particular desires for God or sanctity. As for myself, I believe that they do, and I also believe that we must pray for them, that thier souls may be saved, and that they find peace, wherever it is that God allows them to be. I believe simply believing in Christ without adding anything else to the mix, including church denomination, brings eternal life to anyone. (5) We baptise infants on the belief of their parents, but our Protestant brethren do not believe in Paedobaptism since they condition the belief of the … Another movement that the media fails to bring to your attention: the massive conversions of Protestants to Eastern Orthodoxy, the original form of Christianity. Rather, our salvation and our sanctification are seen as part of a continuous process, so that to be technically correct one cannot talk about having been saved without also talking about being in the process of being saved, and hoping finally at the Last Judgement that one will finally and decisively be saved. Protestantism condemned by Orthodox Patriarchs. They may not explicitly know it. ~ Gospel Reading: Luke 18:9-14 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I would say that all who are saved are saved through Christ, the Orthodox Church is the Church, and outside the Church there is no salvation, but that really means that everybody in heaven is Orthodox in heaven, not that everybody in heaven was Orthodox on earth . We believe that Orthodoxy represents the fullness of the faith—that is, the most complete and accurate expression possible by man. Some Eastern Orthodox Christians believe that Heaven and Hell are relations to or experiences of God's just and loving presence. For Catholics, to be saved you must eat the bread of the Eucharist. Roman Catholics believe that a person's actions play a significant role in one's standing with God because actions are external expressions of one's inner faith. MP3 Audio: WWS_30007_Dn-Joseph_Cannot-Be-Saved-Without-It.mp3 This homily was preached on Sunday morning, August 31, 2014, at Christ the King Orthodox Church in Omaha, Illinois, by Dn. Everyone who has this basic faith falls under the umbrella of Christianity. Along those lines, Protestants reject the Catholic and Orthodox practice of asking the deceased saints to pray for them. by saying a “sinner’s prayer”. Do Protestants believe in saints? If you’re Catholic, they will want you to be rebaptized. The process of election shows that God saves all those he has chosen. Protestants and Orthodox are both Christians in the wider sense.
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