reported that the patients using a recommended dose had significant risk after decades of use. Cardiac toxicity is one of the life-threatening complications of cancer therapy. completed for individual chemicals that share a common mechanism of toxicity, OPP will consider a cumulative risk assessment in the steps summarized below. Treatment-related acute toxicities were classified by the Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0 (CTCAE 4.0). b) ↓ BP and avoid anthracyclines in pt with underlying cardiac disease. Delayed pulmonary toxicity can occur years after treatment, and can result in death, particularly in patients treated in childhood (see . Risk factors such as age and G-CSF use have been implicated. 20 Although a significant reduction in glucocorticoid doses has been observed in several clinical trials, the ability of the adjuvant therapies to reduce the actual impact . Although clinically significant tubular toxicity had resolved by 10 years, GFR was <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 in 13% of patients, raising concerns about very long-term glomerular function. Above cumulative bolus doses of 550 mg/m 2, the risk of congestive heart failure increases rapidly. Although this document is primarily written as guidance for the TCEQ staff, it also documents (largely by reference) the processes used to develop different toxicity values Therefore, GCs address important problems in DMARD use in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), i.e. Cardiomyopathy developed at lower cumulative doses of adriamycin in patients who had had prior radiation therapy in which any portion of the heart was included in the treatment field or in patients who had received cyclophosphamide . However, discontinuation of low‐dose therapy is generally due to toxicity rather than inefficacy,42 with up to 30% of patients discontinuing methotrexate within 12 months of therapy initiation, due to adverse effects.43-45 Risk factors for methotrexate‐associated hepatotoxicity include cumulative methotrexate dose, lack of folate . 5 Patients who respond to initial platinum-based therapy and have a long interval of time to recurrence are recommended to undergo retreatment with platinum-containing drugs, including cisplatin, in . The risk of doxorubicin-induced congestive heart failure (CHF) increases with the cumulative dose. The risk of a toxicity sharply increases after 5 years, with majority of cases of retinotoxicity occurring in patients that have had a cumulative dose exceeding 1000g of hydroxychloriquine (Plaquenil). Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with high cumulative doses (CDs) of cisplatin has been considered the standard of care for non-metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Three were treated with HCQ, with an average daily dose of 333 mg and cumulative dose of 111 g, and 2 treated with CQ, with an average daily dose of 250 mg and cumulative dose of 230 g. Four patients with retinal toxicity had a history of hypertension and 3 were taking corticosteroids at a dose less than 10 mg or equivalent of prednisone/day. data concerning toxicity of spinal cord from cumulative dose-volume histograms are often lacking and gathering complete data for systematic analyses was not possible because of a . Children treated with higher doses for more than 2 d should be evaluated for possible liver injury and treated with N-ac … A retrospective chart review of 216 pediatric patients treated with cisplatin at St. Louis Children's Hospital from August1,1990 to March 31, 2015 was conducted. Possible toxicity at lower cumulative doses, regardless of whether cardiac risk factors are present. Data were gathered on cisplatin-cumulative dose, number of doses, amount per dose, doses . . Patient characteristics, treatment factors and variables obtained from dose-volume histograms . However, in pediatric cancer patients, We report a case of cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity in a patient with normal cardiac functions before chemotherapy. Patients with non-metastatic NPC who received CRT with cisplatin between . Bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity (BPT) remains a dose-limiting toxicity. Peak plasma levels appear to be important; less cardiac toxicity is seen with continuous infusion schedules. Liver injury secondary to repeated dosing of paracetamol is rare but may result in severe morbidity and mortality. While a high daily dose is a risk factor for retinotoxicity, the risk also increases as an individual's cumulative lifetime dosage increases. Risk factor Aspects Ref. Infusion-Related Risk Factors Associated With Cisplatin Ototoxicity in Pediatric Patients. Chronic toxicity is manifested as a cardiomyopathy that is dose- and schedule-dependent. 1 Anthracyclines typically lead to cardiotoxicity via oxidative mechanisms that cause an increase in toxic free radicals, resulting in fibrosis and lipid . In the current issue of ONCOLOGY, Hershman and Shao provide a comprehensive review of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity (AIC). ADVERSE REACTIONS. The total cumulative dose of anthracyclines is the most significant risk factor for cardiac dysfunction (20). Doses < 450 mg/m 2 pose a risk of < 10%. Lancet1996; 348: 578-80 578 Vol 348 • August 31, 1996 Pulmonary toxicity from BiCNU appears to be dose related. Mixture toxicity, cumulative risk, and related ndings — low-dose eects, synergism, endocrine disruption, inordinate exposures in poorer-paying jobs and poorer neighborhoods — have elicited various responses: disin-terest, dismissal, confusion, alarm. Most reported cases of toxicity have occurred in patients using the drug for more than 7 years or with a cumulative dose that exceeds 1000 g HCQ (or 460 g CQ) (Table 1). cumulative toxicit … Systemic anticancer treatments may exert their own toxic effects or can aggravate adverse effects of other drugs. These results are in line with previous studies reporting frequency of administration and cumulative dose of cisplatin as risk factors for CIN. Administration of DOX over a 1-hour time period resulted in a lower incidence of ECG abnormalities therapies at these cumulative doses, given the limitations of existing data to support or refute lifetime dose of methotrexate as a risk factor. However, there have been case reports of patients with hydroxychloroquine toxicity as early as 1.9 months after starting treatment [11]. The potential for patients treated with HCQ to experience toxicity from that drug is primarily a function of daily dose, reflected in blood levels, and duration of treatment.25 For patients treated with HCQ for less than 5 years, it would appear that the mechanisms that abrogate production or secretion of type I interferon and other cytokines . Risk factors (active or dormant cardiovascular disease, prior or concomitant radiotherapy . Daily and cumulative glucocorticoid doses are widely used in clinical trials as the primary indicator for the steroid-sparing ability of novel adjuvant therapies for AIBDs. • Risk factors: alcoholism, diabetes, obesity, and hepatitis B or C infection • Prevention: avoid hepatotoxic drugs, reduce risk, and leucovorin rescue Pulmonary Toxicity • Idiosyncratic reaction with low incidence (<1%) but potentially fatal • Usually occurs within 1st year of therapy • Folate repletion does not decrease risk Renal impairment is expected to become an even greater issue now that pemetrexed-based immuno-chemotherapy results in longer survival and thus longer treatment duration. 3: Time and relationship between pancreatitis and . 27 Higher doses significantly increase the risk of cardiotoxicity, which can range from 18 to 48 % for a cumulative dose of 700 mg/m 2. Fig. The most important risk factor for late cardiac toxicity is cumulative anthracycline dose. Major Risk Factors: High dose and long duration of use are the most significant risks . Methotrexate toxicity is associated with a history of total lifetime alcohol intake before . Many risk factors have been proposed to play a role in the development and severity of nephrotoxicity in children receiving ifosfamide, among which are 1) patient's age, 2) cumulative ifosfamide dose, 3) concurrent administration of cis or carboplatinum, 4) unilateral nephrectomy, and 5) method of ifosfamide administration. Their ages ranged from 27 to 65 years. Risk factors for pulmonary toxicity while being treated with bleomycin included age over 40, preexisting pulmonary disease, renal dysfunction, smoking history, cumulative bleomycin dose of over . Most reported cases of toxicity have occurred in patients using the drug for more than 7 years or with a cumulative dose that exceeds 1000 g HCQ (or 460 g CQ) (Table 1). Although nongenetic risk factors for cisplatin-associated ototoxicity (CAO) have been identified , previous studies have focused almost exclusively on hearing loss susceptibility. Abstract Background The optimal cumulative cisplatin dose (CCD) . Risk markers: These include cumulative dose, female gender, hypertension, valvular disease, baseline LV dysfunction, African-American ancestry, age >65 years or ; 18 years, renal failure, concomitant exposure to radiation and/or trastuzumab, and possibly genetic factors. We also found the correlation between cumulative dose and nephrotoxicity or digestive toxicity. Pulmonary toxicity occurs in less than 5% of patients treated with busulfan and the pathophysiologic mechanism of lung injury remains unknown. Although endomyocardial biopsy is recognized as the most sensitive diagnostic tool to detect anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, this invasive examination is not practically performed on a routine basis. The associated incidence of HF is about 3%-5% with a doxorubicin cumulative dose of 400 mg/m2, and 18%-48% with a cumulative dose of 700 mg/m2. In addition, several factors which increase the risk of cardiac toxicity developing have been identified. toxicity(CAO)havebeenidentified(Fig.1),previousstudieshave . and Risk factors include cumulative dose, concurrent treatment with other alkylating agents, and concurrent therapeutic radiation. Risk of CHF increases rapidly with total cumulative dose >900 mg/m 2; exceed this dose with extreme caution. Hepatic dysfunction: Most anesthetics are hepatically cleared. Uncontrolled hypertension also appears to be a risk factor in Cumulative Risk: Guidance on Cumulative Risk Assessment: Planning & Scoping (Part 1) 1997: Cumulative Risk: Dioxin Toxicity Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for Human Health: 2010: Human Health, Dioxin, TEF: EPA Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 5.0 Fundamentals and User Guide PMF: EPA Scientific Integrity Policy: 2012: Policies Although it is not possible to predict which patients will develop retinal toxicity, high-risk characteristics include the following: daily dose greater than 400 mg (or, in people of short stature, a daily dosage over 6.5 mg/kg ideal body weight) or total cumulative dose of more than 1,000 g ; medication use longer than five . Patients receiving greater than 1400 mg/m. Risk for Toxicity. The risk of developing CHF increases rapidly with increasing total cumulative doses of epirubicin in excess of 900 mg/m ; this cumulative dose should only be exceeded with extreme caution. CT chest remained the optimal radiological tool for diagnosis. We performed a retrospective review to analyze the incidence, association of risk factors, bleomycin dose and pulmonary function tests (PFTs) with BPT. In response to a Congressional mandate to evaluate cumulative exposure and risks from pesticides, the USEPA has developed a method based upon dose-additivity to estimate cumulative risk from exposure to multiple pesticides that share the same mechanism of toxicity. 3.3% at 900 mg/m . over this dose had moderate or severe nephrotoxicity. NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine. r For cumulative doses >700 mg/m 2 it is . Furthermore, there have been conflicting results with regard to the importance of noise exposure and cumulative cisplatin dose on hearing loss . Cumulative anthracycline dose: Cumulative doses >500 mg/m 2 associated with marked long-term risk [38,52,54,57] Both dose and cycle were included as continuous variables after assessment of the model residuals. 7 However, even low doses (<300 mg/m 2) are associated with a non-negligible risk for cardiotoxicity (1.6 %). The cumulative dose of paracetamol should not exceed 75 mg/kg/d. The cumulative bleomycin dosage administered is an important risk factor to the development of bleomycin pulmonary toxicity. Therefore, we propose that the peak dose intensity of l-Asp is a stronger risk factor for AAP compared with the cumulative l-Asp dosage. What these ndings risk factors for female gonadal toxicity with use of cyc: Women treated after the age of 30 are at a significantly higher risk of infertility compared to younger patients; in addition, the total cumulative dose is an independent risk factor for ovarian toxicity regardless of how the medication [1-4] Thirty-nine patients with 49 lesions underwent SABR for primary or metastatic lung tumors using Cyberknife® with tumor tracking systems. GTVnx, and GTVnd) risk factors showed satisfactory value in risk stratification and has potential for guiding individualized decision-making of CCD. Results: The CQ retinopathy was detected in 14 of 173 patients (8.09%) who received CQ for 139-2,033 days, cumulative doses from 14.3 to 325.1 g, and daily doses from 0.8 to 18.5 mg/kg/d. In addition to the cumulative dose, other risk factors have been identified that increase the risk of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity, including extremes of age, female gender, prior mediastinal radiation therapy, hypertension . Previously, the cumulative dose was described as one of the risk factors of the hydroxychloroquine retinopathy [14, 17]. However, given most patients' inability to tolerate high CDs due to cisplatin-related toxicities, the optimal CD of cisplatin during CRT remains undetermined. As noted above, the greatest risk factor for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity is the cumulative dose. The risk of developing CHF increases rapidly with increasing total cumulative doses of doxorubicin in excess of 400 mg/m2. Cumulative doses above 500 mg/m 2 in adults and >300 mg/m 2 in pediatric patients are associated with a higher risk of therapy-related cardiotoxicity [4, 5]. Table 1. This association was first observed by Von Hoff et al in a retrospective analysis showing that anthracycline toxicity and heart failure were dose-related, with the incidence of . While some factors have been associated with the risk of developing a VCF after de novo SBRT, such as the dose per fraction and the Spinal Instability Neoplastic . The primary outcome was HCQ retinopathy incidence and/or prevalence, and other data of interest included measures of HCQ exposure (e.g., mean daily dose, mean cumulative dose, and mean duration of HCQ use), method of HCQ retinopathy ascertainment, risk factors for HCQ retinopathy, and rheumatologic diagnosis. Generally speaking, the incidence of cardiotoxicity among anthracyclines ranges from 0.9% to 26%; however, the incidence is based on the cumulative dose and other risk factors, such as age. Risk factors for anthracycline cardiotoxicity. Reduce total cumulative dose to 100 mg/m 2 if predisposing risk factors such as previous anthracycline exposure, mediastinal radiation or cardiac disease. 15 Cardiotoxicity is reported in 14% to 49% of patients treated for lymphoma, 16-18 and among patient with NHL, the risk of CHF increases with the patient's age 15,17,18 and history of coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease, hypertension . 2002a). • Significant lifetime alcohol consumption (e.g., past or current use of >1-2 drinks per day). cumulative dose: the total dose resulting from repeated exposures to radiation or chemotherapy of the same part of the body or of the whole body. Neurotoxic side effects of chemotherapy occur frequently and are often a reason to limit the dose of chemotherapy. Risk significantly increases with prolonged treatment, which suggests the cumulative dose of pemetrexed may be an important risk factor for the development of nephrotoxicity. Risk Factors Dosage Factors Cumulative Dose. a total cumulative dose of 300 mg/m2 of doxorubicin, 3 to 5% at a dose of 400 mg/m2, 5 to 8% at 450 mg/m2 and 6 to 20% at 500 mg/m2. Concurrent cyclophosphamide and mediastinal radiotherapy lowered the cumulative Adriamycin dose necessary for the development of cardiac toxicity. 3,12 Whether used for treating known CNS involvement or as prophylaxis, it is imperative that HDMTX be administered in a manner that minimizes toxicity and preserves . But this risk is mainly dependent on the duration of use relative to the daily dose based on body weight. Cardiovascular Effects A 66-year-old Caucasian woman with a mediastinal mass diagnosed with Burkitt . Risk factors for amiodarone lungs toxicity are uncertain but may include mainly: a high cumulative dose, a daily dose greater than 400 mg, a duration of therapy exceeding two months, patient's age above 60 years, preexisting lung disease [6]. more, there have been conflicting results with regard to the importance of noise exposure and cumulative cisplatin dose on hearing loss (23, 28, 29). Risk factors associated with methotrexate-induced neurotoxicities include the presence of neoplastic cells in the spinal fluid; cranial irradiation; cumulative drug dose; and concomitant use of cytarabine, daunorubicin, salicylates, sulfonamides, or vinca alkaloids. However, even after 20 years, a patient without toxicity has only a 4% risk of converting in the subsequent year. This can be a particular concern as R-CHOP dose intensity is an independent predictor of outcomes in DLBCL, whereas the overall risk of CNS relapse is relatively low in comparison. The risk of cardiomyopathy was significantly greater in patients who developed a 230% decrease in limb-lead QRS voltage. c) Radiation to the chest may increase the risk of CHF such that after 20 Gy to the chest the lifetime cumulative dose of doxorubicin is often capped at 450 mg/m2. There is a clear relationship between the occurrence of anthracycline cardiotoxicity and the cumulative dose of the drug. Low doses of bleomycin (<270 units) have an estimated incidence of . NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine. In the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, the maximum cumulative dose used in clinical trials was 720 mg/m . patient-dependent risk factors. stressors on a cumulative-risk basis [3]. A cumulative dose of >1000g of hydroxychloroquine or 460g of chloroquine was likely the largest risk factor, which was typically achieved after 5-7 years of a typical dosage [8, 10]. Cumulative dose. The number of reported cases of likely toxicity begins to increase sharply after approximately 5 years of use.10 A cumulative dose . ; Cardiac dysfunction: Reduced cardiac reserve function may render LAST more dangerous (e.g., patients with severe chronic systolic heart failure or underlying . Although inter-patient variability was high, cumulative doses of 100 g/m2 or higher should be avoided in children with cancer. d) Use continuous infusions whenever possible. For each value of the risk of severe toxicity in the first cycle, the corresponding dose was identified, which in turn provided us with the cumulative risk of severe toxicity over two to six cycles of treatment. The number of reported cases of likely toxicity begins to increase sharply after approximately 5 years of use.10 A cumulative dose . A cumulative risk assessment begins with the identification of a group of chemicals, a common mechanism group (CMG), that induce a common toxic effect by a common mechanism of toxicity. genetic risk factors contributing to cisplatin-induced toxicities, . Interpretation High total ifosfamide dose was the only risk factor we identified. The cumulative dose risk factor is especially important. Factors based on internal dose metrics, mechanistic information on and interpretation of toxicological interactions, PBPK modeling of changes in kinetics for a binary mixture, and chemical mixtures exposure and risk assessment using multiple route internal doses. * Liposomal doxorubicin has been shown to be less cardiotoxic than conventional doxorubicin with larger cumulative doses reached in some studies. Risk Factors Dosage Factors Cumulative Dose. a) Minimize the lifetime cumulative dose. Clearance rate is most relevant if the agent is slowly absorbed, administered in multiple doses, or provided as a continuous infusion. Although cardio-toxicity in dogs is uncommon at cumulative doses <240 mg/m2,most institutions rarely exceed 180 mg/m2. The cumulative dose was an independent prognostic indicator for digestive toxicity (OR = 0.997, p = 0.002). Known risk factors that predispose dogs receiving DOX to devel-opment of clinical cardiotoxicity are less well defined. The incidence of cardiotoxicity has been estimated to vary from 5% for cumulative doses of 400 mg/m 2 to 48% in those exposed to 700 mg/m 2 . To evaluate the incidence of chest wall toxicity after lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) and identify risk factors for the development of rib fracture. A high cumulative anthracycline dose is the most recognized risk factor for cardiac damage and remains the best predictor of subsequent cardiac dysfunction. At recommended doses, the risk of toxicity up to 5 years is under 1% and up to 10 years is under 2%, but it rises to almost 20% after 20 years. Cardiac effects of epirubicin and other anthracyclines or anthracenediones may be additive. Higher cumulative dose was associated with greater tubular and overall toxicity at End and 1 year, but not at 10 years. In 2016, Marmor et al. chronic oral reference dose (RfD) and slope factor (SFo) values. The highest doxorubicin cumulative dose recommended is 400-550 mg/m 2. Von Hoffet al (21), in a retrospective analysis, found that when a patient receives a cumulative . Retrospective studies show that the incidence of cardiomyopathy is 4-5 % for cumulative doses up to 500 mg/m 2 and 11-31 % for cumulative doses greater than 500 mg/m 2 [ 4 , 5 ]. To explore the potential effects of ECD ± LCD reduction versus LCD reduction alone, we first considered 3 cohorts: full-dose FEC-D, any FEC ± any D reduction . Cardiac toxicity with Epirubicin hydrochloride may occur at lower cumulative doses whether or not cardiac risk factors are present. Total dose for FEC cycles 1 through 3 were averaged to calculate early cumulative dose (ECD), and total dose for cycles 4 through 6 were averaged to calculate late cumulative dose (LCD). The dosage of doxorubicin, for example, varies based upon the type of cancer being treated. The main outcome measures were incidences and risk factors of CQ and HCQ retinopathy. Since bone marrow toxicity, as the major limiting factor in most chemotherapeutic regimens, can be overcome with growth factors or bone marrow transplantation, the use of higher doses of chemotherapy is possible, which increases the risk of neurotoxicity. Low-dose glucocorticoids (GCs) exhibit a differential effect on continuation of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and the degree of adverse effects (AE) associated with DMARDs. Risk factors associated with methotrexate-induced neurotoxicities include the presence of neoplastic cells in the spinal fluid; cranial irradiation; cumulative drug dose; and concomitant use of cytarabine, daunorubicin, salicylates, sulfonamides, or vinca alkaloids. Conclusion: In our study, age >65 years and metastatic cancer were risk factors for cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicities. 2. cumulative dose are at significantly higher risk than those receiving less. The risk factors for abnormal contractility (sex and cumulative dose) were different from those for reduced wall thickness and mass (dosage, age at the time of therapy, time since the completion . Risk factors for AIC include age (≤ 18 or ≥ 65 years) at time of treatment, increasing cumulative dose or dose intensity of anthracyclines, mediastinal radiation therapy (RT), and female gender.
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