Shia Population Statistics in other regions of the world: Shias constitute a relatively small percentage of the Muslim population elsewhere in the world. 7 percent of the citizen population is Muslim (28.7 percent Sunni, 28.4 percent Shia, and smaller percentages of Alawites and Ismailis). Demographics favors the Shia group, even in the medium term, for the Muslim Shia population in Lebanon is growing at greater rates. Ethnic Minorities in Lebanon. In the center of Lebanon, Christians predominated; in the north, the population was mostly Sunni Muslim; and in the south, the Palestinians were joined by a concentration of Shia Muslims. ... the majority Shia population of Bahrain is struggling for rights under a royalist Sunni government backed by hardline Saudi Arabia. Lebanon . Statistics Lebanon estimates 32.4 percent of the population is Christian. Lebanon was experiencing a full-scale civil war by 1975 that continued until 1990, when the Syrian military brokered a … Here is a … Reclusive Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has taken to the airwaves to demand that Lebanon remove its judges from The Hague, cut all funding, and end its agreement to arrest and hand over suspects. A demographic study conducted by the research firm Statistics Lebanon found that approximately 27% of the population was Sunni, 27% Shia, 21% Maronite, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Druze, 5% Melkite, and 1% Protestant, with the remaining 6% mostly belonging to smaller non-native to Lebanon Christian denominations. It represents Lebanon's sizable Shia population and now holds 10 percent of the seats in Parliament. Despite its size and a population of only six million, Lebanon became a center of trade in the Middle East during the mid-1900s. Significant minorities of Shia Arab Muslims live in some Arab countries including Lebanon, Iraq and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE, and Qatar.Shia Muslims are a numerical majority in Iraq and Bahrain. A 2012 study conducted by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, found that Lebanon's population is estimated to be 54% Muslim (27% Shia; 27% Sunni), 5.6% Druze, 40.4% Christian (21% Maronite, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite, 6.4% other Christian denominations like Armenian Orthodox, Armenian Catholic, Syriac Heavy Hezbollah casualties in Syria, where Iran insisted that Hezbollah participate if they wanted continued Iranian financial and military support, backfired. Lebanon Religions. Sunni is the dominant direction within Islam. While Christians constituted the majority of the population of Lebanon (53 per cent) in 1932, compared to 44 per cent for Muslims (the last official population census) and 54 per cent in 1956, compared to 44 per cent for Muslims in unofficial statistics. Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group, followed by Greek Orthodox. Surveying the Shia. Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group, followed by Greek Orthodox. 2. Nearly half of the Muslim population in Lebanon and in Yemen are Shia. Answer: No census has been taken in Lebanon since 1932, but current estimations place the percentage of Shias in Lebanon at roughly 27 percent. The prospect of radicalization is most worrying in Lebanon. Answer (1 of 9): It depends on what do you mean by powerful , If you mean (have guns and militants) i would go for the shia since it is known now that hezbollah who is a shia militia for some and a resistance party for others are being offered guns by iran , … The Lebanese are divided across two lines, religious and ethnic. The South of current Lebanon (Jabal Amel), Baalbek and The Beqaa Valley was ruled by The Shia feudel families under Mamluk and Ottoman Empire. The nations where Shi’a Muslims form a dominant majority are Iran (95%), Azerbaijan (80%), Bahrain (75%) and Iraq (65%), a plurality in Lebanon (45%) and large minorities in Yemen (45%), Turkey (25%), Kuwait (35%), Afghanistan (20%), … Answer (1 of 3): No one knows some people say the christian are more other says sunni , other say shiaa , other say Maronites it depends who make the statistics! Statistics Lebanon, an independent firm, estimates 67.8 percent of the citizen population is Muslim (31.9 percent Sunni, 31.2 percent Shia, and small percentages of Alawites and Ismailis). Shia Islam The Lebanese Shia Muslims are around 27%–29% of the total population. Here is a handy bar chart: As can be seen, Lebanese Shias, Sunnis, and Maronite Christians are all roughly equal in number. Finally, even though this possibility currently seems remote, it’s aware that in extreme circumstances, Hezbollah could be tempted to seize the reins in Beirut, exploiting the caretaker government’s weakness and the growth of the country’s Shi’ite population (the division of power in Lebanon is based on a census conducted nine years ago, but the proportion of … The author starts by setting the backdrop for the Imam's (religious leader) mission. Another weakness in this timeline of Sunni-Shia progress is the validity or strength of the Shia courts. Answer (1 of 6): Sunnis and Shias get along very well in Lebanon… as long as politics is not involved. Is Lebanon mostly Shia or Sunni? The main two religions are Islam with (61.1% of the citizens (Sunni, Shia, and a small number of Alawites and Ismailis) and Christianity with 33.7% of the citizens (the Maronite Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Protestantism, the Armenian Apostolic … A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. Twelvers are the predominant Shia group, followed by Alawites and Ismailis. Both religious groups are scattered over most of the Lebanese regions. 2 A demographic study conducted in 2011 by Statistics Lebanon, a Beirut-based research firm, reported that Lebanon’s population was 27% Sunni, 27% Shia, and 21% Maronite Christian, with the remainder composed of smaller Christian denominations, and Druze. Lebanon’s public is sharply divided by sect regarding relations with major regional powers like Iran or Turkey. According to the CIA World Factbook, Shia Muslims constituted an estimated 30.5% of Lebanon's population in 2018. The Speaker of Parliament is always a Shi’a Muslim, as it is … Iran repopulates Syria with Shia Muslims to help tighten regime's control. Statistics Lebanon estimates 32.4 percent of the population is Christian. Islam In Lebanon [By WIKIPEDIA ]Islam in Lebanon is divided between four Muslim sects; Shias, Sunnis, Alawites, and Ismailis including the Druze.Muslims (including Druze) account for 59.7% of the total population of Lebanon, where 39% are Christians. Nearly half of the Muslim population in Lebanon and in Yemen are Shia. Religions: Muslim 61.1% (30.6% Sunni, 30.5% Shia, smaller percentages of Alawites and Ismailis), Christian 33.7% (Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group), Druze 5.2%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, and Hindus (2018 est.) Lebanon went through 15 years of civil war, from 1975 … These events were of That polarization extends to particular issues of Iran’s regional role. Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group, followed by Greek Orthodox. See He provides a very good history of Lebanon (especially that of the South, home to the Lebanese Shia population) and the numerous challenges present there during the middle of the twentieth century (especially that of a severe lack of essential infrastructure). A Hezbollah “take over” however would escalate tensions with Israel and of course Turkey too, aims to counter the Shia organization. Nearly all Shia (94%) say it is important to have good relations with Iran. Shia (Shi'a) Muslim Countries Shia street clashes increased in Dahiya and complaints grew louder, showing that livelihood and basic services are much more significant to locals than Hezbollah's prestigious new regional role. The Lebanese Arabs are people living in Lebanon, and the name also is applied to the people who lived in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains and Mount Lebanon before the modern state of Lebanon was created. Shia Muslims are a numerical majority in Iraq and Bahrain. population, which has been detrimental for Sunni Arabs. Bahrain and Lebanon also have a notable number of Shia Muslims forming a majority of their population. Rebuilding Lebanon’s state institutions, rather than foster a deeper relationship with those who weaken it, will protect all Lebanese, including the Shia population. Lebanon is an eastern Mediterranean country that is composed of mostly Muslims and Christians. Some researchers say that during the crusaders governance of the region, 85% of Lebanon’s population was of the Shia, until they were slammed brutally by Salah El- Deen, and later by the Mamluks who derived a religious jurisprudence (Fatwa) from an extremist Damascus clergy (Faqih), called Ibn Taymiyyah, that allowed the killing of Shia whom he dubbed as … Syria controlled the center and northern zones, and the PLO essentially controlled the south. Other Countries With Shia Majority . The late 1950s were a time of great political unrest in the Middle East, and Lebanon was no different from any of its neighbours. The last census in Lebanon in 1932 put the numbers of Shias at 20% of the population (155,000 of 791,700). However, Beirut is the area where frequent and constant interaction takes place. Methodology for Sunni-Shia Estimates Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life / Mapping the Global Muslim Population 39 Estimated Percentage Range of Shia by Country Afghanistan 10 - 15 ~2 Albania <5 <1 Algeria <1 <1 American Samoa -- --Andorra <1 <1 Angola -- --Anguilla <1 <1 Antigua and Barbuda <1 <1 Argentina <10 <1 Among Lebanese Shia, not too surprisingly, a mere 15% consider it important for Lebanon to have good relations with the United States. This finding confirms, in much more precise fashion, the conventional estimate of a Shia majority and Sunni minority population. Statistics Lebanon, an independent firm, estimates 67.8 percent of the citizen population is Muslim (31.9 percent Sunni, 31.2 percent Shia, and small percentages of Alawites and Ismailis). The answer, provided by this random sample of 1,000 Bahrainis, is 62 percent Shia and 38 percent Sunni. Beginning in the early 1980s, Amal and Hezbollah progressively developed social welfare networks in parts of the country where the Shia population was highly concentrated. Many in Lebanon feel that the ethnic term Arab implies a devotion to Islam. Lastly, the victory of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, the elimination of the Islamic State in Iraq, and the growing role of Hezbollah in Lebanon all point to a Shia ascendancy throughout the area, confirming King Lebanon is a small nation wedged between the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Israel to the south and Syria to the northeast. Statistics Lebanon, an independent firm, estimates 67.6 percent of the citizen population is Muslim (31.9 percent Sunni, 31 percent Shia, and small percentages of Alawites and Ismailis). Around 50 percent of its citizens are Muslims (Sunni, Shia, Alawites, or Ismailis) while Christians (Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Melkite Greek, Protestantism, Armenian Apostolic) make up around 45.7 percent of its population. ... the majority Shia population of Bahrain is struggling for rights under a royalist Sunni government backed by hardline Saudi Arabia. Lebanon to deport outlawed Bahrain opposition party members. Sheikh Hassan Bu Khamseen, for example, was dismissed from his position in 2010 for criticizing a government’s judicial decree. The civil war lasted from 1975 to 1990 and allowed two Israeli invasions. 5440.5%. Around 15–20% of Afghanistan, less than 75% of the Muslims in Nigeria, and around 5% of population of Tajikistan are Shia. 5.5%. The majority of this Shia population in Lebanon was rural and occupied the poorest land. Druze. Number. Reconstruction was set back in 2006 when Hezbollah and Israel fought in Lebanon. The country has a tech-savvy population: Internet penetration is close to 80% – which translates to 5.3 million people – 4.37 million of whom are active on social media, according to Sizeable numbers of Shias (1 million or more) are found in Turkey, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Nigeria and Tanzania. According to another CIA study, the Shia Muslims constitutes 27% of Lebanons's population of approximately 4.3 million, which means they amou… Estimates have placed the proportion of Shia Muslims in Lebanon between 27% and 45% of the population, 30%–35% of the citizen population in Kuwait (no figures exist for the non-citizen population), over 20% in Turkey, 5–20% of the population in Pakistan, and 10–19% of Afghanistan's population. 65-70% of Bahrain's population identify with Shia Islam. Muslim 67.8% (31.9% Sunni, 31.2% Shia, smaller percentages of Alawites and Ismailis), Christian 32.4% (Maronite Catholics are the largest Christian group), Druze 4.5%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, and Hindus (2020 est.) Palestinian refugee population present in the country for nearly 70 years. Competing over the support of southern Lebanon’s Shia population, Amal and Hezbollah came into direct conflict during the 1980s. The political situation in Lebanon has led to uncertain population data, but in 2010 the population was estimated at Shiism has the greatest influence in the contemporary world in Iran where nearly 95 percent of Muslims are Shiite, and Shia's are also the majority in Iraq, … It is also known for its diverse culture in which Shia and Sunni Muslims live alongside a large Christian minority and … 339,364,136 people. A Hezbollah “take over” however would escalate tensions with Israel and of course Turkey too, aims to counter the Shia organization. In terms of the world shia muslim population, Most People don't know that about half the population of the core middle east are Shia. In reality Shia are between 7.5% to 11%. The major religion in Lebanon is Islam, followed by Christianity. “The key issue for Hezbollah is to consolidate its hegemony on the Shia population in Lebanon, and that’s why it increased all kinds of … Lebanon’s religious landscape is unique in a region largely dominated by Sunni Islam, with the country’s population being composed in almost equal numbers of Sunnis, Shia, and Christians, in addition to a smaller number of Druze and other minorities.This mosaic has produced a political system based on power sharing among Lebanon’s largest communities, … The Islamic side includes the Sunni, the Shia, and the Druze, a semi-Islamic offshoot group. Shia Muslims account for approximately 15-20 percent of the total Muslim population in the world. Bahrain also hosts a small number of citizens of other religions, including a few Jewish families. The Largest Religion In Lebanon . Region Name. When the Ottoman Empire fell in 1918, the Shia community of Lebanon represented at least 17% of the population. The ethnic division reads 95% Arabs, Armenian 4%, other 1%. The last 5% of Lebanon's population identify with an ethnic minority. The most prominent conflict arose in 1988 when they clashed over the kidnapping of U.S. Marine Lt. The Population of Lebanon is estimated to be 4,131,583 (July 2013 est. See Answer (1 of 2): Nice question, but it’s not accurate. Religions. This article is about the demographic features of the population of Lebanon, including population density, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.. About 95% of the population of Lebanon is either Muslim or Christian, split across various sects and denominations.Because the matter of religious balance is a … Today—more than any time in the modern history of the Lebanon—it has become evident that a cohesive and monolithic Shia community does not exist. Furthermore, there are only six Shia judges permitted to preside over Saudi courts, and they were expected to tow very fine lines. The division of Islam into the two main groups is based on a dispute over who was entitled to succeed Prophet Muhammad when he died in 632. Lebanon is ruled jointly by Christians, who make up 34% of the population, Sunni (31%) and Shia (31%.) Sayyid Musa Sadr, the man credited with giving Lebanon's Shia population a sense of community, this article will attempt to fill in this historical blank spot. ' Colonel William R. Higgins, leading to a lasting feud between the two groups. [see also: Age structure - 65 years and over country ranks] population pyramid: This is the population pyramid for Lebanon. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims constitute large parts of Lebanon’s population. Statistics Lebanon estimates 32.4 percent of the population is Christian. The Maronites population increased than gradually in Northern Mount Lebanon and the Druze remain in the Southern Mount Lebanon until the modern era. Percents. 4 Looked at in a different way, 12-15% of the Muslim population in the Asia-Pacific region is Shia, as is 11-14% of the Muslim population in the Middle East-North Africa region. Israeli and Syrian occupations followed for the next two decades. 65-70% of Bahrain’s population identify with Shia Islam. Taken from: The social development strategy of the shiites in Lebanon In Lebanon, 45-55% of the national population is Shia. Statistics Lebanon, an independent firm, estimates 57. Since the start of the Syrian war, Syrian flights have repeatedly attacked targets on Lebanese territory.
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